Emergency Service Hours Until 12:00 AM

At BluFlame, our commitment to your comfort extends beyond regular hours. Our service ensures that whenever heating or cooling issues arise, our dedicated team is ready to address them promptly. Our skilled technicians are just a call away; call us at (419) 472-2040 to schedule a service.

The Answer to Our Toledo Heating Needs

Toledo, what is the answer to our ever changing weather? An ever changing Furnace.

When thinking about buying a new furnace, the hardest question people face is what size should they really have? Especially after a few estimates and a few varying opinions.
So what size furnace do you need for a Toledo heating season? Well, think of this first.
What if you could buy a small compact car to run errands that would convert to a four door sedan for a dinner out with friends, to a minivan for running the kids to school & practices or even to a large bus, should you need it?  Then back again to the size you need at the moment you need it?  Oh, and it would do all this with no effort or thought on your part!  Would you even consider any other car?
Well that dream car may never come, but the dream furnace has.
Our heating demand in Toledo is 2,000 hours, that means our furnace will run on average 2,000 hours each season.  It only takes a moment to realize that not only does the temperatures vary from September to May in Toledo, but also from day to day and hour to hour too.  The 2011 Toledo heating season averaged a 20 degrees split between the average high & the average low, each month!

Ok, so what should you do?  Well, since buying multiple furnaces would be expensive & take up a lot of space, how about one furnace that is many furnaces in one?  Like a multi-tool, but you would use it, a lot.

All your Toledo heating needs are easily meet with this one furnace.

The new Lennox Variable Capacity Furnace is all that and more
  • It’s a tiny furnace on our cool early fall evenings
  • It’s a small furnace for our windy cold Novembers
  • It’s a medium furnace for early winter, and our not so warm springs
  • It’s a large furnace for our blustery dead of winter cold freezes
  • Oh, and it’s everything in between too
This furnace meets all your needs, a ten year warranty protects your from unexpected repair bills, at 98% efficient it preserves the environment & your budget and the variable capacity makes it the most comfortable furnace you can buy.  This furnace really is everything you need, but only when you need it.
So give us a call today & start your plans to replace that one size “fits” all furnace.

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